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starve yourself

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Q: How do you lose 50 pounds in 8 weeks?
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Easy ways to lose baby fat?

dont drink soda and in about 2 weeks u will lose 8 pounds

How long doe it take to lose 50 pounds?

To permanently lose 50 pounds - it'll take you around 5-to-8 months if you go on a proper diet & exercise and the more overweight you are... The quicker you'll lose 50 pounds. For example a 300 pound person will lose 50 pounds in maybe 3-5 months because there bodies (because of excess weight) burn more calories than a person at a low weight and... It may actually take a 200 pound person 5-8 months to lose 50 pounds Exercsie is also a factor - The more intenser and longer you exercise = the faster you'll lose 50 pounds

How can a 13-year-old girl who is 5' 8 and 220 pounds lose 50 pounds in 2 months and what are the best exercises to lose weight?

Drink as much water as you can and walk/run.

How much weight can you lose in 2 weeks if you take rapid lose twice a day then eat a small healthy meal and hit the gym for a hour a day?

8 pounds

Can you lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks the healthy way?

You can't, that rate is way too steep. For 3 weeks, 6-8 lbs would be a good and healthy result.

What is 3 percent of 50 pounds as expressed in pounds and ounces?

3% of 50 pounds is 1.5 pounds. To convert 1.5 pounds into pounds and ounces, you would have 1 pound, 8 ounces.

Can you be 8 weeks pregnant and lose weight?

Yes especially if you were overweight to begin with. If you are overweight most Dr's recommend you gain only 10-15 pounds with pregnancy

How can you lose 8 pounds quickly?

By going on a diet.

How old do you have to be to be out of a booster?

50 inches, age 8, 50 pounds.

Is 111 pounds overweight for someone 63 inches how can you lose 8 pounds?

You are at a very normal weight. There would be no need to lose weight.

If you are 20-years-old 5' 8 and weigh 200 pounds how can you lose fifty?

Maintaining a healthy weight can be a challenge sometimes. To lose 50 pounds a person would need to cut their calorie intake, eat healthier foods, increase their exercise, and drink more water.

What is average weight a person can lose for a week?

Healthily, a person lose lose 2 or 3 pounds a week. Under the watch of a nutritionist or trainer, they can healthiy lose 5 to 8 pounds a week.