Probably the most dreadful words to hear when you are trying to lose weight. Well, when you get started it seems like hell, but after you get used to it, its really not all that bad. Usually the first steps to lose weight is to DIET: which doesnt necessarily mean starving yourself, but eating right. And in some cases less. One of the best diets I had was the Healthy Choice TM meals. They are delicious and calorie count is tiny. And they satisfy you. But, its hard to lose weight with just dieting. When you get started dieting, you need to EXERCISE: People usually HATE exercising but I found it as a major stress reliever rather than eating comfort foods which is really fat, fat, fat, fatty foods. 30-60 minutes a day at normal speed is an exellent way to burn calories and fat in take. I realized the sitting bike is lots of fun, but your spending about an hour going at all your energy and you lose about 80-100 calories and your wasting your time when you could be walking and losing double the loss of calories biking. They have exellent programs that make it affordable and they always have great work out equipment. Yikes! The first thing that pops in my head is... ugh theres nothing to do! and I find my self scrounging around the kitchen looking for something when im not even hungry! And it goes back to WALKING, whenever your bored and you have a little bit of spare time, go for a quick walk. Even when you are on break at work and you have a tempting chocolate cake in the work kitchen, but you know its beautiful outside, then get your booty out the door and walk for 15 minutes! Trust me, your self esteem boosts and you will feel proud of yourself for not indulging in such a sugary treat. If you really absolutely have no time for exercise, there is always Green Tea. If you simply Google green tea diets a whole bunch of good stuff comes up. But you dont want to drink just green tea and eat nothing else, its slows your metabolism and that is bad. So vegetables, fruit, and a little bit of bread and green tea is an exellent diet. Trust me, it does make you lose weight. But, just walking or doing every thing a little bit more, ex: pacing when your talking on the phone, parking your car at the mall, going up the stairs helps tremendously! If you have tried everything and nothing works. DONT GIVE UP! Trust me on this, when you lose weight it makes you feel like you can do anything. whenever your struggling and you wanna quit, keep reminding yourself, I wanna look good inside out! DONT GIVE UP!! (: Probably the most dreadful words to hear when you are trying to lose weight. Well, when you get started it seems like hell, but after you get used to it, its really not all that bad. Usually the first steps to lose weight is to DIET: which doesnt necessarily mean starving yourself, but eating right. And in some cases less. One of the best diets I had was the Healthy Choice TM meals. They are delicious and calorie count is tiny. And they satisfy you. But, its hard to lose weight with just dieting. When you get started dieting, you need to EXERCISE: People usually HATE exercising but I found it as a major stress reliever rather than eating comfort foods which is really fat, fat, fat, fatty foods. 30-60 minutes a day at normal speed is an exellent way to burn calories and fat in take. I realized the sitting bike is lots of fun, but your spending about an hour going at all your energy and you lose about 80-100 calories and your wasting your time when you could be walking and losing double the loss of calories biking. They have exellent programs that make it affordable and they always have great work out equipment. Yikes! The first thing that pops in my head is... ugh theres nothing to do! and I find my self scrounging around the kitchen looking for something when im not even hungry! And it goes back to WALKING, whenever your bored and you have a little bit of spare time, go for a quick walk. Even when you are on break at work and you have a tempting chocolate cake in the work kitchen, but you know its beautiful outside, then get your booty out the door and walk for 15 minutes! Trust me, your self esteem boosts and you will feel proud of yourself for not indulging in such a sugary treat. If you really absolutely have no time for exercise, there is always Green Tea. If you simply Google green tea diets a whole bunch of good stuff comes up. But you dont want to drink just green tea and eat nothing else, its slows your metabolism and that is bad. So vegetables, fruit, and a little bit of bread and green tea is an exellent diet. Trust me, it does make you lose weight. But, just walking or doing every thing a little bit more, ex: pacing when your talking on the phone, parking your car at the mall, going up the stairs helps tremendously! If you have tried everything and nothing works. DONT GIVE UP! Trust me on this, when you lose weight it makes you feel like you can do anything. whenever your struggling and you wanna quit, keep reminding yourself, I wanna look good inside out! DONT GIVE UP!! (:
mines weigh 22 pds and she is 30 in
No. That's a ridiculous amount of weightloss for one week. A surgeon might be able to take that off you in that time but not an exercise program.
Fill tires to 30 pds.
dont eat lots of bread, sugar. EXERCISE
48 foot pounds = 12 x 48 inch pds = 576 inch pds
because your body weight isn't determined by the urine...its muscle and fat.
No. A PDS tornado watch has been issued for April 27, 2014.
3.4 pds then 4.6 pds.
About a pound a week is as fast as one can safely lose weight without a doctor's supervision.
probably a few years since im trying to lose 30 and ive only lost 5 in a month
Exercise, eat right, dont do drugs, get your normal 8 hours of sleep.