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I heard this from 2 boys myself so i think this is gonna work! So they said boys like it when girls wear eye liner because it makes there eyes pop out and it looks sexy. They said when its really dark its a good thing because more is better and it looks HOT.! The next thing they said is it looks good when u straighten your hair. Even if its naturally straight it looks bettern when u straighten it because if you dont blow dry your hair you can tell anbd so when you straighten it it looks better. Okayy, The next thing they said is they like tight clothes. They say it looks hot. Skinny jeans are good. Cute sweaters work too. They said mis-match socks are bad and they like black socks because it looks like your actually older and not still a child wearing a rainbow on your feet. P.S. they said they hate that emo crap girls do with there hair when they cover there pretty faces(;...ok. Now shoes. You know those Uggs? Well that is so out of style and they never really liked them in the first place. But you know those slipper things that girl wear out now.? i think there called clogs but there slippers. Idk but you should know what im talking about. But these are some tips that i hope you enjoy to make your boy think your cute... Oh i probobaly should of said this before, im 12 and 12 year old boys told me this(; I was at his house yesterday and he described what i looked like and i liked him for a long time soo good sign.? anyways hope this helps you.! <3

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Q: How do you look cute around a boy?
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A boy can be as cute as you think the boy is because all girls have different taste in boys:)

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hang out with him and his friends, laugh at his jokes, try to get close to him, and dress really cute, and act cute and funny around him, and when you know hes looking and he doesnt think that you can see him act all cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you can tell a boy that like you because he was playing around you and flirting with you or they try to be funny to make you laugh

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Any saying or quotes about boy with attractive eyes?

boys are fit with attractive eyes and the look cute x

How can you attract a cute boy?

you could hang around him and see what he likes in a girl then be the type of girl he likes

How do you look cute?

To look cute u can change ur hair and style but don't change who u are be really nice if u have crushes act more cute around them smile alot a them then flip your hair and wave at them