On Facebook mobile, the Logout button is usually located on the bottom left corner of the page. If it is not their, then look on the homepage for it.
Look at this site : https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10789/How-do-I-disconnect-my-account-from-Facebook?frompage=search&q=facebook&fromSearchFirstPage=false
It depends what type of phone you have
the answer would be in my pants! ;) lol its on the facebook website!
not on your phone bill.
Putting your phone number on Facebook is not a good thing to do. If you want to give your phone number to someone, you should give it to them directly. On Facebook, strangers can see your information and use it unwisely.
you need to logout your facebook
press account and then logout
just logout
it is just to press '' Account'' and then press '' logout''
To logout of Facebook Mobile on Android you need to roll to the sign out option, then click on it.
Once you are on the Facebook application, touch the menu button. You will get two options, "Settings" and "Logout." Just hit the logout button.
no idea, been trying to sign out aswell. press menu button on phone and click logout
just press the sign out button at the top of the Facebook page and then your logged out.
Logging out of Facebook is very easy on the Samsung Galaxy duos. Go to the activity feed on the right hand side of the Facebook app and scroll down to logout.