Both Crosman and Daisy made over 40 different models of BB guns for Sears under the Sears brand name. Which one are you asking about.
This air rifle was made for Sears by Daisy air gun Co. It's a model 1894 made between 1969-73
All of the Sears Model 799.***** BB guns were made by Daisy air gun .You may want to contact them directly or search the web for an 'Air gun repair" shop to locate someone to repair the BB gun for you.
Both Daisy and Crosman air guns made BB guns for Sears. you will have to state the model to get an estimate of the value. Check the model number on the gun, any model that begins with 126 was made by Crosman air gun and any model that begins with 799 was made by Daisy air gun.
Both Crosman and Daisy made airguns for sears under the JC Higgins brand name. Any sears model air gun that started with 126 was made by Crosman. Any air gun model starting with the numbers 799 was made by Daisy. Here is an Example: Sears model 126.10294 was made by Crosman and is really a Crosman model V350
This air rifle was made for Sears by Crosman air gun co. In reality it is a Crosman model V-350. made between 1961-69
JC Higgins never made guns. All of Sears (JCH) guns were made by established gun makers but used the name JC Higgins to sell the guns and rifles through Sears stores. Even the BB guns were made by Daisy air gun and Crosman air gun. They put the name JC Higgins on the guns when they were shipped to Sears.
All of Sears BB guns began with 126.xxxxx (Made by Crosman air gun co) or 799.xxxxx (Made by Daisy BB gun Co) check your numbers again and re-post the queston.
Both Sears and Crosman made air guns for Sears under the Sears JG Higgins brand name. Any air gun made for Sears by Daisy started with "799." any air gun made by Crosman for Sears started with "126." as the model number. The following 5 numbers identified the exact model of the original manufacture. Unfortunately most of those crossover records have been lost over the years. Your air gun was made by Daisy. This I am sure of. I found a photo on the web of Daisy model 799.19031 and was able to identify it as a Daisy model 25. There are 58 different versions of this mode starting in 1914 up to today. I think yours is a variation made between 1952-1955.
This particular model was made by Daisy air gun co. It's a 1894 carbine. It was made for Sears between 1969-1973. It is the 1894 Commemorative model
Daisy provides a web page to help you get more information about your gun. ( Daisy made air guns for sears that began with the numbers 799. ) see the link below
I am unable to locate any air gun company named "Huntington". Please check the name again..