I suggest you contact Daisy Directly and ask for an owners manual. See the link below.
The Model 1894 is a BB rifle made by Daisy to resemble the Winchester lever action rifle used in the old west.
There are no regulation numbers on a Daisy model 1894. On the left side of the barrel you will find the model number, Registration number and the patent number.
Your question is not clear. Are you asking, how to load and aim then shoot? Please rephrase your question and be clear about what you are asking. Also I think you are asking about a Daisy Model 1894 but I am not sure this is what you are asking about.
The model 1894 is a BB rifle. If you want more information, Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your daisy. See the link below.
This is a Daisy model 1894. It's loaded from the right side through the loading port above the trigger. You will have to push the spring tab forward (located just below the barrel on the right side.) as the BB's roll in. It's one BB at a time to load it.
I own two Daisy Model 1894 BB Rifles (NOT a 1894 gun) both of them have the registration number on the barrel right in front of the rear sight
Daisy has made about 8 different variations of the model 1894. Unless you can identify the exact model it is not possible you give you a date, However the first model was made in 1954
Daisy has made about 8 different variations of the model 1894. Unless you can identify the exact model it is not possible to give you a date, However the first model was made in 1954. However Daisy offers a free service to identify Daisy antiques. See the link below.
Daisy has made about 8 different variations of the model 1894. Unless you can identify the exact model it is not possible to give you a date, However the first model was made in 1954. However Daisy offers a free service to identify Daisy antiques. See the link below.
Daisy made several variations of the model 1894 as commemorative's for different events and for Sears, all at different collectors values. Assuming you have a regular model Daisy 1894 in GOOD and WORKING Condition it would be worth between $55-$75
Daisy has made about 9 different variations of the model 1894. Unless you can identify the exact model it is not possible you give you a date, However the first model was made in 1954. Daisy offers a service to identify and place values on Daisy air guns. see the link below
There are several versions of the Daisy 1894. Daisy offers a free service to determine the value of Daisy Air rifles and guns. See the link below.