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Okay, so you have a clip attached to the bottom of the carbine. Push in the button NEXT to the clip on the gun. Gently pull on the clip, it will come out. You need 30 caliber bullets. Not 30-06 or 30-30, just 30 caliber. Just ask the clerk and he will help you out. A small rectangular clip holds fifteen bullets, so push them in. Make sure the bullets are not at the front of the clip, but at the back of the clip, or the gun will jam. Push the clip back in, pull the lever on the right side of the gun as far back as it will go, and just let go. If you try to slow the lever or guide it back into place, the gun won't load properly. Obviously, don't point the gun at someone as you're doing this. It is Semi-automatic, so you don't need to do anything as you're shooting. It is a beautiful gun, so have fun!

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