Follow the instructions in the owner's manual. If you don't have one, find a gun shop. They will most likely be glad to help.
what is the market value of a remington 20 gauge semi-automatic sportsman 58 shotgun?
75-400 USD
Take it to a gunsmith
Take it to a professional
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what year is tha Remington sportsman 58 serial 143766v
First of all you have the "sportsman 48", "sportsman 58" and the "sportsman". If it is a plain sportsman it's value depending on it's condition is from 150 to 200 dollars.
3, including the one in the chamber.
If shotgun is in good working condition and no rust or cracks, then it would have a value of between $225 - $300.
awesome guns, great collector excellent condition worth $3000 I have one for sale :)
This model Cross refernces out to a Remington Sportsman 58, introduced in 1956, the Sportsman-58 was Remington's first gas-operated shotgun. You can request an owners manual for obsolete firearms at click on sportsmans library, then downloads, then owners manuals, then click obsolete owners manuals, you will have to register but it is worth it to get the free manual.
You have answered your own question.