if she starts saying i don't love you if she starts saying i don't love you
i dont know i love you
in the same boat , dont know
if you knew that you were going to have an unhappy life,,, why get married with someone you dont love?? i suggest you live your life even if you dont want to..this is the life you chose.... you were given thousands of chances to back out... ask your wife if she loves you...if she doesn't i know that you know what to do...
not really because i love her so much that i dont have to i know what she's thinking
she was in a love book that Archimedes wrote
Yes you need to be devoted to your wife but still you must love your family
i dont know why are u asking me i want to know it but i dont
You can make your wife love you more by buying her gifts and spending more time with her.
The first thing you need to ask yourself is do you really love your wife and does she love you. If you don't know, then ask your wife. You and your wife need to talk more. If you love each other start treating your wife like she was your girl friend. Tell her how much you love and appreciate her. Read Dr. Laura's books.
if you dont want your wife no more just divorce her and tell her you dont want her anymore because she was cheating . but if you love her and still want to be with her just get back at her andhave a relationship. but if you dont love her anymore cancel her visa and tell her its over
stay with your wife your in lust with with your girlfriend an that wont last
i dont know exactly i know he has children but i dont know if he is still maryed with his wife