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If your cousin tells you, you know. Otherwise you are guessing based on inference from what you can see of the cousin's behavior toward you, or what is said to others.

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Q: How do you know your cousin likes you?
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Your cousin likes this girl and you got introduced to her and you turned out liking her and she now likes you and your cousin still likes her without her knowing he actually likes her what to do?

It doesnt matter until your cousin approaches her. Its none of your business to let her know about your cousins feelings. He is a human being and capable of doing this thing without your help, and if he does and the girl starts suffering from dilemma, then you should probably know that she isn't completely into you.

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Maybe she likes you or she wants to get to know you better because she's looking out for her cousin.

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You have to tell them

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If your cousin likes the guy that likes you what should you do?

You didn't mention how you felt about this guy. If you aren't all that interested in him then stay away and let him know you aren't interested in him. If you do love this guy then be honest with your cousin and even though she will be hurt she has to learn she can't win them all.

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think of others before you

What does it mean if your cousin looks in your eyes?

if you're cousin is looking you in you're eyes he likes you

Why would your cousin flirt with your crush?

Your cousin would flirt with your crush because: 1. your cousin likes your crush 2. your cousin really doesn't like you 3.he/she doesn't know that that's your crush 4. your cousin wants revenge 5.or another one but I don't feel it's right for me to say it

What do you do when the girl you're in love with likes your cousin?

you have to sttle the dispute. tell the the truth, and if your cousin likes her to let them date. Trust me to much drama if u dont.

What do you do when a guy tells your cousin your going out but your not What does that mean?

prob means he likes you.. ask him why he said that to your cousin

Your cousin likes this girl and you got introduced to her and you tuned ut liking her and she now likes you and your cosin still likes her without her knowing what to do?

well your cousin i out of luck but because your cousin should mean more then your should maybe try to see if you can pick another girl if not he shouls understand its life

What do you do if you like your boyfriend but as you get to know his cousin little by little you start realizing you love him way more than your boyfriend and his cousin likes you too what do you do?

if you are dating the boy dump the cuzin but if you love this cuzin be with him just do what your heart wants