Depends on the age and how close you are with that boy/girl. Probably on the cheek for 4th grade through 6th. And then you know where. It don't matter how long (to some girls who are extremely upseSsed with men it does)!
You will know when the time feels right and both you and the other person are comfortable and willing. It's important to communicate openly and pay attention to each other's body language and cues to ensure mutual consent and readiness for a first kiss. Trust your instincts and make sure it feels natural and consensual before going for it.
when she is talking to you and you know that she likes you
You give him the best and unique kiss. You need to let him know that you care a lot about him.
you dont. you FIRST get to know her and THEN you can kiss her.
He will either give subtle hints or just go for it
after a first kiss a sip after a first kiss a sip
Tell her about it, even though it seems like it's cheesy to do that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait until the end of the year is what i did. Give her a small(not long, your to young)kiss on the cheek first, if she really likes you she will give you a kiss back, but on the lips.
I had. And it was french kiss, at first i didnt know what it was. LOL!
Yes if you really want to you can i know that's when i got my first kiss so if you want to kiss kiss
well it kinda depends how long you have been dating, just give it time when he's ready hell make the first move. you just kiss him
give her one!
You kiss her first. Then she'll know that you want her to kiss you and since she wants to kiss you it will work out. But first you call her hot and cute and pretty and sexy and she will kiss you.
wait for him to give you a kiss first then it comes natrually. if its a simple kiss on the lips its easy and quick, but when its usoing tounges, follow his lead