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Only you can put this problem into perspective and here is some reasons why a man may appear tired: Working shift work Working more than one job Depressed Problems within his family Unsettled feelings in himself His age Needs a holiday badly I could go on and on, but I think you know what I mean. Just because a man doesn't spend 100% of his time with you doesn't mean he is growing bored with you. Don't make yourself so available. Start going out with friends and having fun, go back to college, volunteer, but don't hang around for his every whim. Communication is a big factor too, so why not sit down with him in a quiet place and actually ask this question of him. You are taking for granted that he is bored in the relationship, and probably there are just other things bothering him and this is where you come in. If you understand he could be having problems then try your best to help him resolve them. Some men allow a woman to help them and other don't. If it continues and he isn't willing to give you a good enough excuse then tell him it's best you go your separate ways.

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Q: How do you know when someone you love is tired of you?
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