a girl truly loves you when she tells you how she feels about you, but it depends. its true love when you can each imagine being in peace while holding each other.
If someone really truly loves you there will be no one else in the picture at all. You should be able to tell if someone truly loves you by the way they look at you, their actions, they are there for you no matter what happens, and you should be able to feel their love for you.
Unfortunately, no one but him could possibly know if he truly loves her.
I have a boyfriend who I truly love and will do anything for him.. He says he loves me and will marry me one daybut what I want to know does he truly loves me or is he faking it. I love him alot and care for him and his family. NOt to mention he is a mexican.
of course it is why go out with someone who doesn't know they love you? like really whats the point? you should want to date someone who really and truly loves you so yes its a bad thing!
To be honest intimate love is not shared. One that has multiple partners has someone he values most.
i cant
You have to trust your instincts.
You know that he can't. No Guy who has never met you can love you truly.
beckuz if he show deep felling
You know if someone loves you if you can trust them impeccably when they are out of your sight.
Well hun, if he loves you, then why would he love someone else? Or why would he love you if he loves someone else? Just think, if he truly loves someone, he wouldn't love another person even if he shows it or not. So, he might be lying, sorry to say.
when they show you that they care & that they prove to love you the most.you will truly know when he says things like he caint live without you or i need you in my life more than anything or when he proposes whichever happens 1st