She Stole the Heart
Block your comumcation with them
Well I'm a guy and just to let you know, I know I tend to try to talk to the girl, become friends and get to know her friends. Sometimes we get a bit obsessed are sate at them or other times we get really nervous around them.
Yes because most of the time the guy is obsessed:).!
maybe "fear"
no, if your a girl, it will make him horny.
are you a guy or girl? if you a guy and you have a guy on your mind your gay and if its a girl you like her. if your a girl vise-versa
A guy.
youll know
you can know by when they are looking in their eye
It depends on how much you like the guy. But you shouldn't give up right away because there is always a chance he is testing you, because trust me they like to do that. But don't over do it, and don't become obsessed.
There is no way to know if a guy wants you or another girl. The best way to find out what what a guy wants is to ask the guy.