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11mo ago

Signs that a girl may be flirting with you include making prolonged eye contact, smiling frequently, initiating physical contact, and teasing in a playful manner. However, it's important to remember that everyone has their own unique way of expressing interest, so communication and mutual respect are key to understanding each other's intentions.

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Q: How do you know when a gril is flrit with you?
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If she ignores u every single moment

How do you know if you still like someone?

Look at him with another gril and see how you feel.

How do you get a gril frined?

tell her you wanna hang out some tmes to get to know her and ask her on a date then after the time is right and she starts to have felling for you then ask her to be your one an only turly aka gril friend

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She is a girl (not a gril) or a boy

What if you are to shy to flrit?

Then you will have to get lucky. The other person will have to do all the introductory work. This is a rare occurrence.

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am a gril i would never kiss a gril but my mommy on her cheek

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I dont think anyone would date a gril

Can boys flrit by bitting there bottom lip around you?

Well yes because a boy did that once to me then asked me out.

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What nicknames does Nicolas Gril go by?

Nicolas Gril goes by El Oso.