It depends on what your shooting, you can also use AUTO mode on your camera to have your camera choose what aperture it thinks its best. If you have a high shutter speed than you might want to choose a bigger aperture (f/2 around there). But if you want a larger depth of field you need to choose a lower aperture (around f/32) and a lower shutter speed.
Aperture Priority has the camera set the shutter speed for you allowing you to set the aperture and it will set what shutter speed it thinks is best for your current light situation.
It is a set that you derive from some initial data or formula depnds on the question. I assume you know what a set is?
Aperture priority lets you set the aperture you want and the camera sets the shutter speed for you. You use it when you want to control depth of field. Shutter priority lets you set the shutter speed you want and the camera sets the aperture for you. You use it when you want to control how motion is rendered in the photograph. Program mode sets both shutter speed and aperture for you. Use it when you are not concerned with aperture or shutter speed control.
Need to KNOW the YEAR of the engine. And what it is in.
choose aspecific shultter...
I don't know the D300, but similar Nikon DSLRs have a secondary control dial on the front, not far below the shutter button.
An aperture membrane is a section of enzine forming the base of an aperture.
Coupling efficiency in optical fibers is influenced by the numerical aperture, as a higher numerical aperture typically allows for more efficient coupling of light into the fiber core. A larger numerical aperture enables the fiber to capture more light, which helps to improve the efficiency of light transmission into the fiber. Thus, a higher numerical aperture can lead to better coupling efficiency in optical fibers.
follow-on set
Initial house keeping set
Exposure, in digital or film photography, is determined by aperture and shutter speed. On a manual camera, the user selects both values.On an automatic camera, there are four possibilities:Manual mode. User selects both aperture and shutter speed.Shutter priority. User picks the shutter speed and the camera adjusts the aperture to ensure proper exposure.Aperture priority. User picks the aperture and the camera adjusts the shutter speed to ensure proper exposure.Program mode. The camera selects both values.
"Aperture" means "opening".