We know that the 3 friends often met at the cam pain through a number of statements are Anil and Bala were sitting in their usual seats by the window.Anil says,"we thought you have found some other cafe to go to: Sunil says, especially when I am here, most of the times with you.
The name of the cafรฉ where the friends met in the TV show is Central Perk.
People who you have met or talked to but who you would not really call friends are often described as "acquaintances" or still called friends even if you do not like them that much.
If it is at the beginning of a sentence eg Friends are invaluable. Or if it is the name of an organization or business or Tv show etc . eg I enjoy watching Friends. Met you at that new cafe called Friends tomorrow for a cup of coffee
I don't no his cousin but I do know his seccond cousin . They are my friends. They are twins and have never met him as he doesn't like children! But they sometimes write to him and get autographs and stuff but not often x
Yes he met her at la down town.there friends
it depends which friends your're talking to. If your talking to your friends that you've physically met, its not dangerous. If you're talking to friends that you've met on Msn and haven't seen before, it could be potentially dangerous since you don't know who they REALLY are
I don't know if he even met Bruce Lee
They met in a cafe in paris called pont de gallar
First you have to get to know her, then become friends, then comes the dating.
be friends first then ask her out once you got to know her a little
A1rencontré des amis - Met with friends A2Rencontre avec un ami - Met with a friend
i met her in one of her concerts and she told me to go to this web site i met her because i had a back stage pass now were friends