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frequent urination, and sore breasts. Not necessarily spotting....? If u had a little bit of some sex then u should get some plastic surgrey and get some buudies fixes because men love to see buubies in public

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Q: How do you know if your pregrent other then spoting?
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What is spoting?

spoting can mean a problem with the fetus during pregnancy

Is there spotting after embryo implantation?

Yes and no..i had no spoting with the first and this is going to be my second and i had implantation this week with no spoting..

When you are becoming pregnant when is the beginning of implantation and when is implantation complete?

Implantation happens on the 16th day after ovulation. You might get cramping and some spoting but not everyone get the symptoms.. I know i had no spoting with my first and i had my implantation 2 days ago with no spoting. So it takes 2 to 3 days for completion..then you can test next week when your period comes on. good luck

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no not now, shes 67- that would be weird :s

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If a doe has a false pregnancy she will build a nest.

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No particular diet is required for a man to get a girl pregnant.

Im on your period n not susposed to and its spoting What is wrong?

u is pregnut.

How do you organize the sports day?

what there name says organize spoting events

How fast can a female stomic grow when just gettin pregrent?

It wont. It takes about 4 months until you start showing.

How do you know if you if your pregrent?

frequent urination, and sore breasts. Not necessarily spotting....? If u had a little bit of some sex then u should get some plastic surgrey and get some buudies fixes because men love to see buubies in public