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I just recently got it pierced and it looks normal and everything with it being swollen, and i do clean it twice everyday but i think the piercing is too small cause i pushed the piercing up to see what it looks like under the flatback and i see that it's starting to dig into my skin just a bit. Is this normal to see during the time it is swollen or should i go back to my piercer and change it?

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Q: How do you know if your lip piercing is too small?
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How do you hid a new lip piercing?

take it off your lip and put it on your ear, unless if it's too small.

Is a softish lump near a lip piercing hazardous?

No. I had one too when my lip piercing was still healing. It's scar tissue and will go away as the piercing heals.

Can you put lip butter on a lip piercing?

You can wear it but don't put it over the piercing. It's too thick so it'll smother the piercing and delay healing.

How do you know if your lips are too fate for a lip piercing?

Well I would suggest you go talk to a professional body piercer in a studio and get there impression on your "fate lip" they will tell you if it's and issue or not.

Is eating starch bad for you when you have a lip piercing?

No, not necessarily but too much of anything is never good!

What does it mean when your lip is growing over the lip piercing?

The stud is too short. Go back to your piercer to have them change it before it gets really bad.

How much does it hurt to get your lip pierced if you already have three tattoos and dont mind the pain?

If you didnt react too badly to the tattoos, the lip piercing shouldn't bother you too much. Most people say it feels like a pinch. Keep in mind, the worst part of any piercing is not actually the piercing itself, its the healing. Your lip will swell, it will be red, and it will be tender and uncomfortable. If you can handle that, then you should be ok.

Is 13 too young to get a lip piercing?

Not at all. You just needs a parent's permission and they need to be there when you get it done.

Is it okay to put petroleum jelly around a new lip piercing?

No it isnt. Petroleum jelly is too thick and doesn't let your piercing breathe properly.

Is it normal for your lip piercing to bleed heavy hours after getting it?

Were you playing with it? You might have irritated it and opened the wound pretty badly, causing it to bleed heavily, either that, or they used a piercing needle gauge fairly too large for your lip piercing. I've experience piercing people with a piercing needle that's 2 gauges bigger, (For example, a lip piercing is 16g, I've pierce it with a 12gauge once) and it didn't bleed too bad, it bled for about 5-10 minutes. It shouldnt be bleeding heavily at all. Especially not for hours after getting it pierced. Go see a doctor as soon as possible before you lose too much blood

What can go wrong when getting a labret piercing?

Infection is always a risk with any piercing. The lip area has no nerve endings to damage so is risk free there. If the piercing is too low, it can cause gum decay.

Is a side lip piercing for boys or girls?

It's not specifically for a gender. I know guys and girls that have one. I'm a girl and I used to have one before I got the other side done too.