The opening of a cervix is typically measured with centimeters.
Cervix dialation in labor
just look
The opening of the cervix is closest to the vagina -- the one you can feel with your finger -- is called the external os (orifice). This os leads into the cavity of the cervix and then into the cavity of the body of the uterus. At the point where the endocervical canal meets the uterus is another opening, called the internal os. .
does it look like I know the answer,, you should open the book up and start reading and studying like normal kids............ that's how you get good guys cant be stupid enough not know the answer ok well bye c: c; love yall "
The doctor will tell you when you have an exam and then you will go in for an outpatient surgery to open it.
As far as I know, if your cervix is open, a miscarriage is inevitable. I could be wrong, but that's the way it was explained to me. I've had one miscarriage in the past.
Once it has been dilated it will go back to it's normal size. The cervix is always open a little bit.
If your cervix is closed in the front but open in the back, this might mean you are about to start your period. It could also mean that you are ovulating.
No. Tubal ligation involves blocking the fallopian tubes. If this procedure was done with Essure, your cervix may stay open for a little while, but should not stay open for long after the procedure.
The cervix is usually open and it will take 20 years before the cervix starts to close and then it takes 30 years to close.Its best not to have sex in that 50 years.
During a contraction, the infant experiences intense pressure that pushes it against the cervix, eventually forcing the cervix to stretch open. At the same time, the contractions cause the cervix to thin.
it is called an incompetent cervix, it can be caused by damaged during a previous birth or a previous surgury on the cervix. and from the cervix bein open it can cause a miscarriage, so that wouldn't happen you would need a cerclage which is a procedure in which the doctor will sew the cervix closed with sutures to reinforce the cervix and prevent it from dilating to early... hopefully this would help you because it sure helped me
It depends on how far along you were on your pregnancy
The cervix can be open or closed during implantation bleeding. It really depends on the individual and where they are in their menstrual cycle. If you are experiencing implantation bleeding, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.