he will act different around your brother then when hes around just you, he might jokingly tease you poke you or do what ever he can to get close to you aybe even make fun of you. but at night he might cuddle with you or hold your hand
He likes his other friend.
i would just ask them secretly if they like when your brothers not around
By the passion in the kiss you receive... ;-)
ask him
you will know that he likes your friend because he will always bring her up and he will want to be around her.
to become the Jonas brothers friend is to let them trust you and they don't probably want a friend that is crazy about them or like screaming when they see them. and you know how to get a friend it is just like getting any other friend. so don't worry if you are nice and cool anyone would want to be your friend.
Back off. keep out of the way and give your friend a chance to get the guys interested in her. That is, unless you like him too. then its up to the guy to decide who he likes.
He likes you that is what is important. it doesn't matter who else knows you.
Unfortunately if he likes someone else and is a friend of yours let her know and be happy for her - there are many other guys out there to pick from. the other thing is to find out if she even likes him. If not try to move in
it means the boy likes you but is too shy to get to know you himself which is why he is getting his brothers to get to know you...
you ask his friend if he can ask him!
Just be honest and upfront and ask them.