If it is a boy it will have a penis (but only when its a baby) Girls Have Nothing if its older girls have different necks to boys
no they have to be to adults (boy, girl)
No you can't get a pet alien. but if you are in strangetown, you can stargaze through a telescope and make an alien baby (doesn't matter if your a boy or girl).
You can get alien babies by creating two green Sims, a girl and a boy then make them...ya know. Then when the girl has the kid it is green like an alien. If you just want an alien kid both the parents are normal then i guess you are screwed. ha ha
say "you look fat!" if it kills you then it's a girl
my mom is having a baby and idon't know what it is help me?How do you know it's a boy or girl
If your Alien is blue , green ,black or gold it's a boy . If your Alien is pink ,white ,red or silver it's a girl.
it get an inch bigger
it got holes if it a girls x
by ultraSonography .
You have to look inbetween the legs!If it has nothing there its a girl,if it has something there its a boy!
go to the doctor and get an ultrasound, then the doctor can tell you if its a boy or a girl