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Well if he runs away or never talks to you again then you probably scared him off.

Or if he tells you that he is scared.

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Q: How do you know if you scared a guy off?
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How do you know if you scared guy off?

Well if he runs away or never talks to you again then you probably scared him off. Or if he tells you that he is scared.

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maybe he is scared that he will take you away from he tries to impress you to get you yo notice him more than you notice your guy friend...... its simple love and affection ......just know that he trying very hard

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if you are scared then its not the right time nor the right guy,you havto want it and you def wanna wait till you know its the right guy cuz you wont want to leave him after you do it,it doesnt hurt it just is uncompfortible at first

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might be scared might be scared might be scared

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means there scared to get rejected and look bad.