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There are various forms of blood poisoning some show outward signs others not so much. If it is swollen and discharging greenish puss, chances are it's infected. Go see you doctor right away.

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Q: How do you know if you have blood poisoning from a piercing?
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How is does your body react with unstertilized piercing needle?

Hepatitis, Meningitis, HIV, LockJaw, Tetanus, Blood poisoning. That about covers it, don't be an idiot with you health, get it done right.

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ruw chiken can give you blood poisoning

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Septicemia is another word for blood poisoning.

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Worse case: you would let the infection proceed untreated and die from septicemia (blood poisoning). Go see your doctor...NOW.

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Blood poisoning from the cut cato's sword made in his leg.

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A fair amount of blood and a lump around the piercing (it would be filled with congealed blood.) Also, expect swelling.

What is the worst that could happen if you pierce your own eyebrow?

Nerve damage, excessive bleeding due to hitting a vein, blood infection, blood poisoning, Staph infection......... I could go on but I think you get the point here, the human body is not a pin cushion, however when you get a piercing from a professional body piercer you will have a piercing that will heal and look good for a long time without the grief of botching your eyebrow piercing and doing a whole lot more damage than you were counting on. Leave the piercing to the professionals.

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Septicemia is also known as the poisoning of what bodily fluid?

Blood poisoning

What is blood poisoning?

Blood poisoning is the presence in the bloodstream of microorganisms or their toxins in sufficient quantity to cause severe illness.

Can getting a tooth pulled cause blood poisoning if it was badly infected?

Every infect, which will go into the blood circulation, may cause blood poisoning.

Is blood poisoning contagious?

Blood poisoning is not considered to be contagious in the way that most diseases are considered contagious. It is an illness of the blood which is usually enclosed within the body.