I think the word your looking for is ejaculation and you'll know because a milky white substance will come out of your penis.
Do you know the meaning of know? No, I do not know. I know the meaning of the word no.
I know / I do not know.
Doesn't know
We so know what genes people have, and we know what genes many other species have. We also know what some of these genes do, and we even know in some cases how they do it. But there is a great deal that we don't know. At a guess, we only know 1% of the full explanation of what genes do and how they do it.
It means that everything you know or learn expands your knowledge. The more expanded your pool of knowledge is, the bigger the unknown part becomes. In effect, "the more you know, the less you know".
Walk in on your mom and dad's bedroom at 3am and tell your mom to spit.
No you can not get a woman pregnant from ejaculation into the rectum.
If you mean ejaculating or masturbation, then there is no scientific proof that it does.
Try sperming her sister to get closer to her
First of all with grammar like that you shouldn't be "sperming"
Usually, it is enlargement first, with premature seepage second, followed by full ejaculation.
My dogs testicles have not dropped and he still ejaculates all over my female dog can he still get her pregant
No, petroleum jelly does not contain silicon. It is made from a mixture of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum.
Quite probably, yes. However, anyone relying on pulling out in time is really inviting pregnancies, as some semen will leak out before the main load.
Sperm contains neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin that can trigger feelings of pleasure when ejaculated. Additionally, the act of ejaculating can stimulate nerve endings in the genital area, leading to pleasurable sensations.