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An IUD (Intrauterine Device) is a very effective method of Birth Control with an efficacy rate of greater than 99%. This makes it an ever more effective method than condoms. It is unlikely that a woman would become pregnant while using an IUD. A home pregnancy test or a visit to a gynecologist would confirm or deny a suspected pregnancy.
you should take a home pregnancy test if you are having any pregnancy symptoms. And go to your doctor.
isn't tht wat thos little pee test thingamawhoosits r 4?
See your doctor for a blood test.


Only way to know that you are pregnant or not for sure is to have your doctor perform a blood test and if you suspect you are pregnant with an IUD in place you need to go see your doctor IMMEDIATELY Good Luck and God Bless!!!

ANSWER- hey there i am 22 and i have an IUD for 5 years and just found out i was pregnant, it was confusing first cuz in the ultrasound it said i wasnt pregnant and also the urinary test it said i wasnt but in the blood test it said i was and i am confused but its been since September since my last period so i guess i am pregnant even though it was so shocking to me but i guess the IUD was misplaced and i guess u can get pregnant over the IUD good luck to u if u are pregnant and i am a month and 2 weeks and all i can say is good luck to me also and i suggest for u to c ur doctor immediately....good luck...
See your doctor for a blood test.
Answer Take a pregnancy test. they are sold in pharmacy's
If you feel that you could be pregnant and have an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr right away due to risks to you and to the baby.
Go to the doctor and get a proper test and exam.

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How do you know if the IUD isn't wrking?

You become pregnant.

How do you know if you are pregnant after removal of an IUD?

Take a pregnancy test

Is it easy to get pregnant after IUD?

Fertility returns to your baseline after removal of the IUD. Whether it's easy to get pregnant after removal depends on your fertility, not the IUD.

Do you need to be actively menstruating in order to have an IUD inserted?

I know you have to have to be menstruating for the docte or to insert the they can make sure your not pregnant.

Can a dr see if you are pregnant while inserting an IUD?

The doctor can't see if you are pregnant while inserting an IUD. Your health care provider will ask questions and probably do a urine pregnancy test to make sure that you are not getting an IUD when you are already pregnant.

Is it true to get vaginal bleeding while you have the IUD and be pregnant?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unusual. Bleeding with the IUD is not a special sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Can you get pregnant when your on the IUD but still have your pried?


What a sign that your pregnant with the IUD and you had it for 2 year and never was pregnant after you first baby?

A positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy with an IUD.

Why should you remove your IUD?

You should remove your IUD if you want to get pregnant, if you are pregnant, or if its useful life is expired and it's time to replace it.

If just took out my IUD and that week i got pregnant are you at risk?

There is no special risk from getting pregnant right after you stop using the IUD.

Could you get pregnant having the IUD in for almost 2yrs?

Not likely but yes. My sister got pregnant with the IUD in and she had had it for over three years.

What is the procedure to remove an IUD if you are pregnant?

It's the same as the procedure to remove the IUD when you're not pregnant.