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The exact same way you know that you are heterosexual. It is the way you are born and the natural instincts that you are born with. Homosexuality is not a lifestyle or a choice, just as heterosexuality is not.

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Q: How do you know if you're a gay person?
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How do you know if a person is messing around saying that youre gay or if they actually mean it when you dont act gay look gay do gay things and are straight?

You know if you're gay or straight. This person doesn't, so he's either messing with you, or confused. I wouldn't waste my time worrying about it.

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i dont know but i know that youre gay

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Well if youre a girl and hes dating you, hes obviously not gay.

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If you like guys, youre gay.

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The only way you can know is if they tell you that they are gay.

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youre happy.

How do you know that a person is a gay?

You ask them

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just write a note

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Youre gay if you read this .

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hahaha no youre wrong and gay