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You are not notified by Facebook when someone unfriend you. No app has been created yet which gives you the unfriend stat.

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Q: How do you know if someone unfriended you on facebook?
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Related questions

How can you tell if someone unfriended you on facebook?

go to that person's page and if it has the option to send a friend request, that means that person unfriended you

How do you know if you've been unfriended on facebook?

If you go to their page and it gives you the option to send them a friend request, they unfriended you. If you can reach their page, they blocked you.

How do you know who unfriended you on facebook?

In the upper right, search friend, you can enter a name to search a friend.

How you can get-back unfriend peoples in facebook again?

You can send a friend request to get back with people that have or you have unfriended on Facebook. It will be up to them to accept your request.

Can't view all friends on facebook?

If you're talking about viewing your friends, then maybe some unfriended you. If you're trying to view someone else's friends, then maybe they just have their account on private.

How do you unfriended on Facebook?

Well you go to there page click the button that says friends go down and read unfriend and there

Can you see if someone unfriended you on Facebook?

On Facebook "friendship" status is by mutual agreement. Friendship status must be requested and approved. If one person opts to end the friendship, then the listing is deleted from both people's friendship lists. Different Person *** No. xD No they can't. Even if you wanted them to.

How do you delete inspirational people on facebook?

In order to delete inspirational people on facebook, you would first have to locate their profile, and from there you would search for the box that says "Friends". Click that, then change the status to "unfriended".

How do you know if someone has a facebook account?

Ask them.

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How do you know if someone is a fake on facebook?

You guess

What do you do if the guy you like unfriended you on facebook?

You could try to friend him again, but that might come off as desperate. I suggest that you be as friendly as possible when you see him in person!