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you know if some one loves you because they allways pay attention to you or sit near you. also the black dot in his eye will get ever so slightly bigger, and they will try and make you laugh.

a tip about boys: let him ask you out encase you ask him out, and he never fancied you. g luck! x

a tip about girls: you should ask the girl, if they say no just say "it was a dare anyway." g luck x
Maybe he will try and catch your eye.. Continuously smile at you and maybe give a cheeky grin!!

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Q: How do you know if someone fancies you?
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What do you do if you fancy someone and he fancies you?

You get to know them personally and start going on dates... if that goes well then try a long-term relationship.

What is the meaning of some one fancies you?

"Fancy" is a colloquial expression in the South meaning "like," so "someone fancies you" means someone "likes you" or has a crush on you. Congratulations!

Signs if someone fancies you?

Decipher the way they look at you...

What do you do if someone fancies you?

Well if you do not fancy them but they fancy you, you should say "I want to be your friend but I am not ready to go out with someone at the moment". and if you do fancy them, try and get to know them, then see what happens!!:D

Who fancies kharima?

i dont know who do you think?

How can you tell if your friend fancies someone?

when you say fancies someone does that mean like someone? well if that what it means then your friend likes a guy. you will know because she wants to be with him more then she does with you(mabey). she will probaly talk bout the guy when she is over your house, or at sleepovers. and if it's a girl that she wants to be her friend she will do anything to get into her fan club OR WHAT EVR YOU GUYS CALL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can a man have a dream about someone he fancies like a woman does?


How do you know when an 11 year old fancies you?

if you know just ask her

How do you know if your husband still fancies you?

He comes home.

Why is libby amazing?

because she fancies someone whos good looking?

What does l mean. a boy messaged me it but he fancies me and i dont know what l means?

If a boy messaged you that he fancies you, that means he likes you or has a crush on you.