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The best way it to date that person and see where it goes. You won't ever know if you don't become involved with the person in question.

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Q: How do you know if liking someone can turn into love?
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Can love someone turn into being in love?

Well to loveing someone is not how you want to ask you'r question. This is how," Can falling in love make you love someone?" and my answer to that would be possibly, if you know what love means.

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Get to know her, then decide if she is worth liking back or not. If so, then just see how things turn out from there.

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You can't make anyone like you. Liking someone is a choice. Just be his friend and that may turn into something more.

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Stir things up go on trips and have new experiences, a boring relationship could easily turn sour.

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Give him a pupmpkin pie its a turn off

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