If he wants to marry you, he will ask you to marry him. If he has not asked, you need to talk about it with him so you are not waiting on him for no reason.
If he wants to be with you forever, he will marry you.
Ask her.
if he wants to have fun with you and wants to spend time with you then you should now that he loves ya! and if he asks you to marry him then marry him=]
He'll propose.
I don't know. Who ever miley wants to marry. :)
he wants to know if you would ever marry him
Marry her and then ask her - in that order.
Either way he wants u to himself...if he loves and wants to marry u then that means you his and he is yours. so therefore wanting to marry you and keeping you to himself is the same thing.
He will ask you... and you will be able to see it in his eyes.
Ask yourself if you know enough about him to want to marry him. Probably Not.
i dont know ;p for justin bieber
She wants to know that he is devoted enough to marry her.