If a boy tries to get close to you or looks at you and when you notice looks away (this applies only to shy guys some will keep on staring until you look away) means he thinks your beautiful, or he wants to be your partner in a lot of activities, or maybe asks you questions. Or if he tries to touch you.
Some boys will show they like you by touching you, always asking questions etc. But this is the sort of thing that girls fall for. Little do they know that most boys are actually like that with every 'pretty' girl. They'll do anything to get some attention or action. Its the ones that tease you constantly that have a thing for you. There are a fair amount of lads that will have their eye on a girl, and he would tease her and try and wind her up all the time. I'm not sure why they do it. But don't just think that the nice ones like you. It could be the ones that you would never expect.
I'm not really sure. I know a guy who is always winding me up (like a clock spring). I don't think he has a crush on me but some people say he does. And if guys ask you stuff and go partners with you it doesn't mean they fancy you.
You can tell by really simple things. When you're reading a book with your class and after a chapter or so, you have to choose a girl if you're a boy or a boy if you're a girl. That's what they did in my class. If the boy(s) keep choosing you to read, and they just stare at you when you're reading, then they like you.
Just be yourself and ask one of his friends if he likes you. If they don't respond then try asking him yourself and bug him until he answers.
Sometimes it's very hard to tell. There is a boy in my class who has a crush on me but he won't admit it. He is very polite to me and always tries to show off and tries to do other things too. But the weirdest thing about this crush is that I like him back, but he doesn't know it.
If a boy likes you i think that the most useful signs are that he will: Stare at you at look away when you notice them; stare into your eyes when talking to you; touch his face and neck when you are present; 'accidentally' bang into you for and excuse to touch you; ask you questions like "have you ever had a boyfriend" or "are you in a relationship" and once i was asked through facebook if i fancied anybody from my old school; fixing his hair; sweaty palms; blushing; leaning in your direction; smiling whenever your near. But the best way to tell if he likes you is to ask him!
thanks gr8 help x
Boys are complicated creatures. sometimes they're TOTAL JERKS and other times they're opening doors for you. God, i wish if a guy liked u HE'D ASK U OUT!
Well with me..I don't know this boy he's a :bad boy" if that's what you wanna call it. But he always makes fun of me but then at times he would ask me for a hug. I'm not sure why he does that..I think maybe it's just to get my attention. Sometimes i will catch him just glancing at me then he'll hurry up and look away..What does all of that mean?
The best way to tell if a guy likes you is to pay attention to the things he does. If he talks to you more than other girls, if he compliments you or gives you small gifts he may like you.
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he says hi to you everytime you see him, and he likes to mess with you alittle well he might act a little boasty or high and mightydepending on how much he likes you. In other words, if he pays more attention to you than usual then, he likes you too or he is surprised. now all u have to do is figure out if he likes you. Good Luck with tht.LoL
I think one deffinate way to tell if a youger boy likes u is if he hangs near u at a funtion. Another way is if u and ur girlfriends think he is cute too but he says he likes u the best. Or if u see him somewhere and he waves. Dunno if this is helpful those really only apply to ages between 6-14 u kno around that age hope this helps:)
The man's mind can be very complicated at times. Men don't always know how to show a woman how they feel, therefore signals can often times be misunderstood. The most obvious signs a man can give away to you: is if he suddenly starts talking to you much more than he did before, talks about you to his friends, asks you for your number (that should give it away), or if he asks you to hang out. Those are signals most woman would understand, but there are other things a man can do that women don't always seem to comprehend. Not so obvious signs he may send off: doesn't talk to you as much (because he is shy), glances at you often when you aren't paying attention etc. Honestly though the best way to find out if this "boy" you are talking about has feelings for you, is to ask him.
Boys are still really immature in grade 7 so if he does like you hes just scared to act on it most teens don't start to date until 7th or 8 grade. I would follow his lead because if he cant handle a relationship right shouldn't try to force it on him. Girls mature way faster than boys. I think if its meant to be it will happen, try back with him next year he will have matured more by then. Never force yourself on a boy it puts you out there as being easy you should be the one getting chased and running away not him. Your still very young you have plenty of time for dating and having a boyfriend, and believe me there will always be boys that you are going to think they are How to tell if a guy likes you back is... if he talks to you a lot without you having to go up to him 1st, if he always talks about stuff to do (that you could do on a date.), and if he says he likes you. :) !
If he looks at you a lot and smiles whenever you make eye contact he likes you. If you're up front with him and tell him that you like him things will work out. Whenever a girl takes charge in a relationship it takes a lot of pressure off of the guys. Always being expected to make the first move as a guy makes things harder especially for the more shy guys. It might throw them off their game for a bit but in the end, they will appreciate it.
wht u do is you make the first step you don't want him to be shy do you?
flirt with him till he knows you are in love with him then ask him out!
if he says no its not the end of the world. He probebly said no cause he thought it was a joke but if you are close then he would say yes!
go out with the dude
Try introducing yourself.
It means that he thinks that you don't like him back, so if he asks you out, he thinks you are going to reject him, and he will be heartbroken.
If he stares at you allot when your around him.
it all depends on the guy. also, chances are that he likes you back.all you need to do is get him to know that you like him.
if a guy thinks your hot he will hang around you and tell you that he thinks you look nice or say you have nice hair
he glances at you constantly
Just giggle at every thing he thinks is funny. It worked for my girlfriend.
go tell him that he is cute to
he asks him out ^_^
If a guy who thinks he is all that likes you and you don't like him back, tell him to leave you alone and that you are not interested.