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theres not really a way you can tell, if you know he likes you and you like him, just talk to him.

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Q: How do you know if a boy wants to ask you out?
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How do you know if the boy likes you?

If the boy seems to be around u a lot or wants to get to know u better. Maybe he even wants to ask u out but is nervous

When a boy or a man ask you what are you doing what does that mean?

They really would like to know, what you are doing and who you are with. He is interested and wants to know what you like to do.

You like a boy hes in your class and you like him what can you do?

If you like a boy in your class you can ask him out or u can wait until he makes the move or try to hang out with him and get to know him or you can ask him if he wants to hang with some of your friends to go to the movies. If you like a boy in your class you can ask him out or u can wait until he makes the move or try to hang out with him and get to know him or you can ask him if he wants to hang with some of your friends to go to the movies.

How do you ask a boy to meet you?

You ask him if he wants to hangout sometime.

How do you tell when a boy wants to make out with you?

ask him

How can you tell if a boy wants a hug from you?

you ask him

What if a boy ask you if you are going out with someone?

he wants to hang out with you, dont lie to him and tell him. thats the main reason a boy will ask, because he wants to go out with u.

How do you show a boy that you like him?

ask him if he wants a bj

What will a boy do if he wants to ask you to the dance?

i love you sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could a girl ask a boy out?

yes if she wants to.

How do you ask a boy out secretly?

easy, you pass a note to him and ask him if he wants to go with him.

How do you get a boy in your grade that you like to go out with you?

you can ask your friend to ask him if he wants to go out with you