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Often times teenage boys are very shy and won't say how they really feel. Luckily, there are ways to find out without him telling you!

Ask yourself these questions:

Does he like being around you?

Does he smile when he sees you?

Will he go out of his way for you?

If you can say yes to any of these, chances are he likes you- at least as a friend. To tell if he is interested romantically, pay attention to his body language.

Does he bite his lip or scratch his face? (These are signs that he's nervous- Nervous because he's with you, and doesn't want to make a bad impression!)

Does he touch you? Not in a creepy way, but a casual hug, or any random excuse to touch you? (Big give away that he likes you, if he's comfortable breaking the touch barrier)

One nifty little trick is to see if he mimics your movement. If you are both sitting down, cross your legs, or kick your legs, or shift your body slightly. (It's proven that people subconsciously mimic other peoples movement if they like them, however make sure he's paying at least a little attention to you!)

Another way, the easiest of them all, is to just ask him. Nothing wrong with that, what's the worse that could happen?

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15y ago
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1w ago

Oh honey, in 5th grade, boys show they like you by teasing you, pulling your hair, or passing notes with "Do you like me? Circle yes or no." It's like a mini soap Opera, but with more cooties. Just remember, if he's being a jerk, he probably likes you. Boys are weird like that.

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11mo ago

A boy may like you in 5th grade if he pays attention to you, tries to talk to you or spend time with you, or shows signs of nervousness around you. Look for subtle clues like teasing or compliments to see if he might have feelings for you.

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4mo ago

In 5th grade, a boy may show he likes you through actions such as teasing, playfully teasing, or seeking out your company. He may also try to impress you or show off his talents or knowledge. It's important to remember that every individual is different, and communication is key in understanding someone's feelings. Observing how he interacts with you and others can give you clues about his feelings.

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13y ago

Im in fith grade also girl! Im trying to figure it out to i like this guy named Alex ive known him since third grade and im ready to take the next step

- He is around other girls (trying to make you jelous)

-He find exusses to be with you (like in a game or when doing a project)

- at my school everyone loves truth or dare so when doing a truth or dare game ask one of yours friends to ask to the boy you like Hey do you like ___ (instert name)

- Spy: have one of you friends peak around ;)


~ Athena

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12y ago

If a seventh grade boy likes you then he will pick on you And things. Most boys will say or do something to make people laugh if he likes you he will look at you where ever you are to see if you are laughing as well. Sometimes they will even get attention and say strange things but some boys try to hide the fact that the could sweat or their face is red or things like that when they are around you. They will even embarass you. They will stare at you in class and sometimes if you notice them staring at you out of the corner of your eye don't look at them because they will sometimes turn and look at something else but not all the time. If you don't want them staring at you look back at them and if it doesn't work ask them to stop but sometimes if they are staring at you they could be wanting you to look at them.

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15y ago

I'm in fifth grade and to get a guy to tell you they like you is to be a crazy girl. You have to be yourself and at the same time be a little risky. You gotta b a girl they want to hang with. Once you do that, you can just hang with a bunch of guys but make sure the one you like is there and start with you being bored, then bring up "have you ever liked someone" or "who do you guys like" then you have two guys say who they like then just say it like nothing. If they go OOOH! you say so, it's not like you guys havn't liked anybody with a litltle smile. SO this takes a lot of courage. I'm already weird and crazy as ma guy and girl friends tell me but i like being different from all those others girls. SO THIS IS A LOT OF FUN AND COURAGE

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13y ago

It is usually obvious if a boy likes you. He will act different around you than other people. In general here are some really obvious clues

1.he stares at you a lot. Try to pay attention to this but don't show it because he will look away if he knows you caught him.

2. He shows off. He might act crazy or ultra cool or wicked smart in an attemp to get you

To notice him.

3. He comments on things such as your books, a show you like etc. Note this is different than a compliment

4. He tries to be like you. For example if your

Goth he might come to school in a Marilyn Manson shirt just to see your reaction (in some cases he might actually be goth too so that would not count

5. He looks for excuses to be with you. Picking teams, stuff like that. He just wants to be around you.

Ps-good luck!

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10y ago

When I was in 5th grade, I was very shy around the girl I liked. I was very nice to her and tried to give her compliments and smile a lot. Every boy is different. Some joke around with you and playfully pick on you. Some pretend like they don't like you. Some guys aren't even interested in girls yet at this age. The best way to find out if the boy likes you is to ask him or get friend to ask his friends for you. If you have anymore questions feel free to write me on here

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15y ago

smile at them and just act real mature around them and then ask them if they like you.

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If you like a boy and you think he likes you,you should check every once and a wile to see if he looks at you. If so ask him if you can sit with him at lunch. \

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just be urself and smile(a lot).

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In 5th grade I would say foam exsperince that the boy will show off and act all tough around you like. A bad boy or get really red talking to you

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