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Here's ways to tell:

  • He looks at you a lot and when you look at him he turns away
  • He makes fun of your friends but not you
  • He avoids talking to you
  • If he physically hurts you and looks really sorry (If it's by accident)
  • Hangs around you when he can
  • If he has eye contact with you a lot that is a definite sign that he likes you.
  • If someone hits you he'll hit the guy that hit you because he cares for you, and most guys if they care about you then they have crush on you.
  • They stare at you a lot.
  • They act cool when I'm somewhere near them.
  • The guys who have a crush on you tell their friends, then their friends tell their friends, and their friends tell some girls and those girls tell some of the other girls.
  • They'd try to approach you when your not with your friends or when at by your locker alone.
  • They'd try to make a move and freak out at last minute.
  • They walk past you a lot.
  • When your talking to them, it looks like their having the greatest time of their life.
  • They get jealous when they hear you talking about other guys.
  • He'll look at you, until you turn around, then he will looking the other way.
  • You may feel like he's watching you
  • He may do something physical - like grab you in a playful way, poke you, play with your hair
Remember when you were really young and the guy you liked punched you or tackled you?
  • He may be working really hard to pay attention to you, but doesn't quite know how
  • He may ask a friend of yours about you - he'll say it's just for "friend of mine" that wants to know about you.
  • He talks to everybody else - but when you're around he turns silent, or chokes up.
  • You seem to accidentally bump into him a lot of different places.
  • He may not say a word to you, but he shows up in the same line, at the same movie, etc.
  • He'll give you a little smile from across the room, but if you get near, he won't look up.

Basically - the BIG clue is that his behavior changes when you're around (compared to when he's around his buddies or other girls).

DEAD Giveaway - when you talk to him he turns red.

  • He may tell you he likes you...
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Q: How do you know if a boy has a crush on you?
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How do you notice a boy has a crush on you?

how you know when a boy has a crush on you is when a boy looks at you all the time. or text him and ask or call just be yourself about it when you ask

Is there a boy you like or have a crush on?

Yes there is, you will know its the boy for you when you feel it in your heart

How does a boy know if a girl crush on him?

With the sign of her eyes

How do you know that the boy has a crush of the girl?

if he tries to show off in front of her

What should I do if a boy has a crush on me and I had a crush on him but he didn't know that I knew he had a crush on me?

Well your should tell him or if your shy start getting to know each other then start dating but don't rush

I have a huge crush on a boy and I don't know if he likes me or not.What should I do?

confront him.

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The best thing to do if people say that a person has a crush on a boy and the other person says no but secretly does is to ignore them. One way to get a guy to know if a girl has a crush on him is to always smile at him.

How will you know if a boy does not have a crush on you?

If he doesnt pay attention to you and doesnt really care about talking to you.

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What does l mean. a boy messaged me it but he fancies me and i dont know what l means?

If a boy messaged you that he fancies you, that means he likes you or has a crush on you.

How do you know when to like a boy?

There is no such thing as a "time to like a boy" (or girl)! it just happens! sometimes it can start out as a friendship and turn into a crush, and sometimes its immediate. You will know it when it happens.

When was School Boy Crush created?

School Boy Crush was created in 1975-06.