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Well if you know people that know everything that happens in the hall then ask them and see. If not then just ask your BFF's. From, Cleo1949

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Q: How do you know a guy is seeing another girl?
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How would a guy react if he finds out that the girl he's seeing is also seeing another guy?

He would probably drop her.

How do you know if some still loves you?

You ask them. But if they do not answer it means they do not love you. Also if they go off in secret and you do not know where they go. Or if they are seeing another guy/girl.

What should you do if the girl you love has started seeing another guy?

Forget her and move on.

Does he want you or another girl?

There is no way to know if a guy wants you or another girl. The best way to find out what what a guy wants is to ask the guy.

Right you are seeing this guy who is seeing another girl too you know you love him but you are too afraid to admit it to him How can you make him realize you are the one for him?

Okay, i wouldn't bother going out with him, but if you want to - i would just be really nice to him, almost suck up to him and keep him from seeing the other girl.

What does it mean when a guy you are seeing mentions another girl but does not go into a lot of detail about her?

Ask her about the girl. If he is honest he will open up.

How do you know if a guy you like is seeing someone else?

kinda watch if he is ever hold hands with another girl or flirting alot more then he would if she was just some girl....or you could always ask him or his friends....

What does it mean when a guy calls a girl he was seeing an uglyskinny rasher?

When a guy calls a girl he was seeing an ugly, skinny rasher. It means that he is upset or angry with that girl.

How do you know when your girl let's you go?

when shes with another guy

How do you know a guy misses you when he does not say it?

when his going out with another girl

How do you let a girl know that you want to be special friends only?

Just tell the girl you ant to be friends.. It's fine to have a best friend of the opposite sex. I once dated this guy and believe it or not now we are best friends! He's seeing another girl Nd I'm seeing another guy but thts 100% fines! Give her signs of Tht u only want to be her friend. Like telling her secrets about the girl you like .. Trust me she will get he messae

How can you tell if a guy is talking to another girl?

Well, you can't tell that much, but if you mean seeing another girl, I don't know. If you mean talking to another girl, you are just really jealous. he just starts talking to another girl, and looking at you when he is talking to make you jealous. flirts with her, stuff like tht you will probaly see it, u don't have to ask