That is the funny thing, nobody teaches it but everybody does it (eventually). If you get kissed just what they are doing, just go with it. But if you are focused on what their doing you won't enjoy it as much. So yeah, just go with it when you get kissed. Hope this helps!
Knock him out with a Baseball bat or run over kiss him real quick so quick i will not notice you then run back to your hiding place
Ask him to follow you into a hiding place (obviously don't say hiding place bit :P) and tell him that you really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY like him then kiss him before he can say something. That's so romantic so it should work. WARNING: DONT DO THIS IN SCHOOL OR YOU WILL GET IN TROUBLE.
Not neccesarily either. If he does kiss you at all it doesnt definitely mean he likes you, but if he doesnt kiss you it does not mean he doesnt like you. Some guys are just shy, and most of the shy guys will dump you if you pressure him. Every boy is different.
DON'T KISS HIM trust me all you will do is push him off let him come to you and you should be fine =)
If a girl doesn't like to be kissed then you don't kiss her. If she wants to kiss you she will.
Just go with it if he is anything like any other guy I met then if you kiss him first he wont try to turn away. If this doesnt work then just look sexy and hell get horny
You can kiss a boy whenever you like (as long as he consents). There's no reason you can't kiss a boy when on your period, you can do anything you like while you're on your period.
just tell him you didn't kiss another boy.
It means she has a reason that she can't.and that she likes him but doesnt know it yet.
kiss him! or talkto him about it.
First,It doesnt Matter You kiss Normally You could look on the Internet how to kiss and You can learn from there Its the same with girl boy contact but its the same with girl girl contact
this question doesnt make sense but anyway just chillax it will work out
Of course! What doesn't he know though?
to be honest it doesnt mean anything, he just wants to feel you up. lol. =')