Recite, word for word, the whole Harry Potter series. Also they love twilight, dress up like a vampire and walk around at night looking in their windows (they think it's romantic).
try to impress her by sayin you like the book shes reading she may be surprised u read but go for it. and try to direct the convo in a way she can relate to the subject =]
You can be smart, But not nerdy. IF you know your not smart, then dont try to. Become athletic. If your fat, too bad!!!!!!!!
lala is a nerdy girl name
be yourself ask them questions but don't act like you want to be their girlfriend dress good not nerdy
You can impress the girl by writing a message about how much you like and respect her.
what kind of question is that?!
impress her but then how do u impress her?
you can impress her to show your intelligency
How to impress a girl well if there is like a pool you and the girl go to maybe the YMCA or something, and you have a six pack and a tan show it off! it is sure to impress any girl
First of all, if you use proper English then that can impress a girl. Secondly, you impress a girl if you just be yourself, if the girl can't accept that then move on and find someone new! Good luck! :D
Some girls may find this to be nerdy; however several girls do not find it nerdy as well. It all truly just depends on the girl.
Allyn Rachel