You can impress her by showing her respect, behaving well, being interested in what she says, being friendly. While you are doing this, you can learn how deeply she is committed to someone else, and then you honor that like if she's married, it isn't really okay to hit on her.
you cant.. sorry
say to the girl your boyfriend has been cheating on you and after impress her and ask her out simple.
Tell her that if she wants to do it for herself that would be fine, but to impress someone else..thats not okay.
If the guy and girl have a long distance realitionship and both are commited to not fall for someone else but im my friends case hell probaly fall for someone else
forget him and find someone else
you dont, find someone else!
Find someone else.
Why does he need to impress you? What does he need to prove? Being honest and open with feelings and intent, stepping outside of one's box and helping someone else impresses me more than anything else.
Someone already asked (And was already answered by someone else), but the answer would be Florida.
You try to impress her as much as you can and most importsntly be sweet girls love that.
You shoud try to impress her and most of all be sweet and kind to her.
stay calm and try to impress her also if she says no ask someone else