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By the markings. You can email me at the address on my bio page with photos of the markings, if you should so wish.

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Q: How do you identify the country an sks is manufactured?
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Could a sks rifle be bought in Vietnam by army soldiers?

Some SKS rifles were brought back... most of them were manufactured in East Germany or China, as the Vietnamese made SKS rifles were and are extremely rare. They were either captured or sold/traded for favours to other soldiers in-country.

What is value of sks 487096 serial number?

You need to identify the country of origin before this question can be answered. The SKS was manufactured in the former Soviet Union, North Korea, Vietnam, the former Yugoslavia, Romania, the Peoples' Republic of China, and Albania. The value can vary greatly depending on overall condition and country of origin. If you're having trouble identifying this, feel free to send an email (the address is listed in my bio page) with photos of the rifle and the markings on the receiver.

How old is my army issued sks?

First off, you didn't specify which army, nor did you specify the country of manufacture - the SKS was manufactured in the former Soviet Union, Romania, East Germany, North Korea, Vietnam, the Peoples' Republic of China, the former Yugoslavia, and Albania. A lot more information would be needed in order to determine this. Bear in mind that not all SKS rifles manufactured saw military service - many of the M59/66 rifles were never issued, and China continues to manufacture the SKS for the commercial civilian market.

What is the value of a chanise SKS?

The Chinese manufactured several variants of the SKS. Depending on specifics, you may looking at anywhere from $200 - $600+. Paratrooper models and the detachable magazine SKS-M and SKS-D fetch much higher prices than a standard Type 56 carbine.

What ammunition does the Russian sks fire?

7.62x39mm, which is used in all SKS rifles (aside from the former Soviet Union, the SKS was also manufactured in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Albania, the former Yugoslavia, East Germany, and Romania).

What is the value of an sks 7.62 rifle?

$100 to over $1000. The SKS was manufactured by several nations, and the rarity of some models drives the value of that specific model way up.

How many sks rifles were manufactured?

Literally, millions. There were made by Russia, China, and many of the Soviet allies. While more AK47s have been made, there are a LOT of SKS rifles out there. No exact number are available.

What is value of sks rifle Serial 00000457?

What Country was it Made In ?

What is a m21 sks rifle worth?

No country which manufactured the SKS gave it the nomenclature of M21. The only country which applied an "M" number which I can think of offhand was Yugoslavia, who designated theirs M59, and M59/66 for rifles which had the 22mm grenade launcher fitting. Yugo SKS rifles can go from $150 - $500, with the latter price being for an unfired, unissued rifle. SKS rifles in general can go from $100 - $1300, depending on the exact model and country of manufacture (Vietnamese and North Korean rifles have the highest value, being the most rare). You can send photos of the rifle and markings to my email (listed on my profile page), and we can determine the exact model and value from there, if you wish.

What is the value of a new SKS semi auto rifle?

Up to 10 years in prison. The only country still manufacturing the SKS is China, and they were prohibited from firearms imports in 93 under the Clinton administration, so a Chinese SKS in this country is at least 21 years old.

How much is a 7.6239 SKS worth?

All SKS carbines were made in 7.62x39. As for value, anywhere from $100 to over $1500, depending on where it was made, overall condition, rarity, etc. The SKS was manufactured in the former Soviet Union, China, former Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, former East German, Vietnam, and North Korea. Adding further to the equation, there are both military issue Chinese SKS carbines, and ones manufactured for the civil market. We'd need a lot more information in order to narrow down the value.

What does an arrow in the Russian star of your sks rifle mint condition?

It's the marking of the arsenal which manufactured it. In this case, it would be the Tula Arsenal.