

How do you humiliate?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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11y ago

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you actually should not but here are some things you can do.

point out something funny about them

make fun of how they look and if they are bullies then do the same thing or write a note to the princable

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11y ago
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Q: How do you humiliate?
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Can feeling ashamed involve public humiliation?

Yes. Many people will make fun of you throughout life. It is an ongoing item that will hurt you at any moment possible. Feeling ashamed will put you down, making you sad, depressed, stressed, and even mad. Helping it is usually easy. Suicide is never the answer. Some people sleep, walk through nature, paint pictures, hangout with friends, go shopping, explore childhood memories, ect. Humiliations can happen many times in public. Groups of people or friends can humiliate you for no apparent reason at all. You need to stand up, feel good about yourself, and stay strong.

What are the possible repercussions of confronting a pathological liar- Are they likely to start spreading lies about you?

No, as a man myself I don't think he will start a one-man smear campaign against you. That sort of thing takes a lot of energy to maintain, and pretty soon those on the listening end will get pretty tired of his act. The people who care about you will not be swayed by a man who does that sort of thing, and those that might be influenced can be crossed off your Christmas card list with no real loss.AdviceWhat you need to do is find a peice of information about him that you know he does not want anyone to know about. Don't confront direct but keep dropping cryptic hints and allude to the evidence you heard or know of. No matter how he denies or blatantly lies on top of it. This will accomlish several things.1) he will fear you. 2) he will stay away from you 3) It will neturalize him. He will still deny it all but isn't as likely to seek vengeance or humiliate you.

Why do Narcissists marry if they view everyone as inferior to them?

I wasn't even married to mine~ he would tell me I wasn't good enough to marry but when we were in public at an important social gathering, he would introduce me as his wife...twisted! The narcissist does not view marriage as a bond among equals - but as an arrangement of convenience. By getting married, the narcissist merely secures a good source of narcissistic supply for the long-term. They marry for permanent narcissistic supply . It inflates their ego to have a wife ( or husband ) to brag about , and at the same time, humiliate , in order to keep reinforcing how superior they are. Narcissists are alway concerened about their image. Being "married" looks alot better to the public (in his opinion) than "not being married." He also NEEDS a spouse to "take care" of him since he is pathologically immature and unable to care for himself. He USES his spouse but never truly LOVES her.

Is the Bible a book of propaganda?

The Bible is partly a collection of important religious works, but undoubtedly the Old Testament is partly a book of propaganda. It begins by justifying aggression on the part of the Israelites, and continues with legends of nation-building and stories that build national pride for the people of Judah. Although archaeologists say that there is no evidence that the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah were ever united as part of a United Monarchy, it builds a case for the Jews to justify 'recovering' the lost territory of Israel.The Book of Esther is not a religious book at all, and does not even mention God. In the words of Martin Luther, it "lionises the Jews", but after all it was written by a Jew. Religious propaganda can also be found, for example in the Book of Daniel. What rational person would believe that the hated enemy of the Jews, Nebuchadnezzar, would eat grass like oxen and then, on recovering from this mischief, worship and praise the Jewish God (Daniel 4:33-4)? This passage so obviously was written as a mocking reference to humiliate Nebuchadnezzar in the eyes of its readers.