Every time you see flowers just say 'its always a nice day to own some flowers' or 'i just love flowers
You could casually mention how much you love flowers or comment on how beautiful they look in other people's homes. Alternatively, you can express your appreciation for receiving flowers in the past and how much it meant to you. Subtle hints like these can convey your desire without explicitly asking for them.
Get some eye contact and quiver your lips
From Girlfriend's perspective: - She can drop a hint through one of her friends who can indirectly cajole her boyfriend to take her out for a date. Or she can pretend to wanting to go out and select one of the best pals of her boyfriend since she was 'unable' to find anyone who would want to speand a day with her. I am sure boyfriend would get the hint. From Boyfriend's perspective: - The best way is to not give much attention to the girlfriend and when you feel she is interested, ask her directly. You can bring flowers and chocolates.
To hint to your boyfriend that you want to go watch a movie in his house, ask him if he has this one particular movie that you know too well that he has in his home.
it means 4 you 2 get the hint he is stingy and dont want you!!!!!!!!
just tell him, its easier, tell him you need sometime to think, or you dont think its gonna work out.
Flirt with the Fitty u want. Might work. Just keep ur hands off the ones that are taken ;)
he loves you?
I think that is a hint that he wants to kiss you but he is to afraid to ask.
hint: they might be symbolic of someone/something :P
You can't really because that is something everyone needs to take their own time to decide weather to say or not but you could hint that you want him to say it. Good Luck!
I want a imaginary story on flowers!
Some people will like move their hands or just tell him