To highlight text in a Facebook post, you can use the following steps:
to highlight text
Click on the text you want to highlight. It will become highlighted with two markers, which you can click and drag to choose what you want to highlight. The text will stay highlighted, you can then click it and copy it to yoru phone's clipboard.
Highlight the text, and then start typing!
If you are talking about Microsoft or any other text box, on the top it shows a slanted I so highlight the text you want to slant and then click that your text will become slanted. It looks like this: I Another way and easier way is to highlight your text and press Ctrl and I. This method can be used anywhere besides text boxes and Microsoft. Good Luck!
That is a personal choice that your boyfriend is making. Surely if he can text Facebook, he can text you too but he is choosing not too. Talk to him and ask him why.
you can highlight text by first dragging while holding the mouse key and then go to the highlight tool (look at the tool bar for help. if it is not there, then go to the far right where you will see a black dropdown box, click there and it will be there.
One can highlight all the text in a bullet point quickly and a one time by pressing ctrl+a together. Another way one can do that is with the mouse. left click the mouse on the text 3 times and it should highlight all the text. From there, right click and then hit copy.
You can't highlight text like you would in a Word program. But, if you check out the options for the text in Titles and Credits I am sure you will find something comprable to what you are looking for.
if you add "@" this sign before a name then it will tag that man named and he will get a notification....that is the way to highlight a name...
Hold your finger down on the text for 3 seconds. The word will turn blue with handles on the left and right side. You can drag these handles to highlight the whole section you want, and then press Copy or Cut. The Pages app has a highlight feature once the text is selected.
Facebook texts are completely free so T-mobile will only charge you whatever you normally pay per text which is usually 10p but if you get free texts on your T-mobile package then you will not pay anything to send a text to Facebook.