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There's no way to hide your relationship status to specific people. The only option you would have if you didn't want someone to see would be to block that person which would be kind of rude.

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Q: How do you hide your relationship status on Facebook from certain people?
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Related questions

Why can't I change my relationship status on Facebook?

Facebook is jealous.

How many people will ask about your facebook relationship status if you just mysteriously change it to in a relationship?

It depends on your social circle and how closely people follow your Facebook activity. Typically, close friends, family members, and curious acquaintances may reach out to inquire about the change in your relationship status.

Can you change your facebook relationship status without anybody seeing?

Yes, you can change your relationship status on facebook without anybody seeing. If you go to the information bar under your profile picture you can check off what you do and dont want people to see, Just unclick relationship status and that will be completley private for you

Why doesn't Facebook have a taken relationship status?

It's called "in a relationship".

How do you change relationship status on facebook from android?

You can't

What is a energypyramid?

if you have your relationship status on facebook as "in a relationship" but it doesn't say with who, then your freakin lying

What does. relationship status mean?

a relationship status is like;; what your relationship is... are you married divorced single complicated relationship in a relationship these are all status's of which you can be in a relationship (: hope that helped and wasn't too confusing :/ If you have facebook.. or a social net work site. You relationship status is if you are in a relationship or not.

How do you put your pictures in relationship status on Facebook?

like this: kjhdkjhfk

Can you change your relationship status on Facebook on your cell phone?


How do you add your spouse on your relationship status if he doesnt have a facebook?

You cant

Is there a way to have certain people not see specific status updates on Facebook but still see the other ones?


Why is everyone's Facebook status Redbul?

It's for breast cancer, If your a girl you would or will probably get a message saying what to put as your status by what your relationship status is redbull means they are in a relationship....