I am in 6th grade also . I have been dating since 4th grade and what I usually do for a date is go see a scary movie , hang out at their house , or meet them somewhere and walk around .
you date them
to the movies or just go to a place to eat and just hang out and have fun :)
You say will you go out with me kiss at school and feel like a total BA when your really just being immature
You should not do anything. Except for something fun
The sixth school year after kindergarten
i don't no maybe yes sixth grade
no if they like each other my friend likes a 7 year old and she is 11
Well yeah ya do if you wanna go to seventh thsn ya
It would be the same.
no chance, buddy. i am a sixth grade girl and there is no way I would date a nine or ten year old boy. sorry.
There are 4 books in the the series. -Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet -Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet: Clash of the Class Clown - Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet: The Good, the Bad and the Fuzzy -Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet: When Pigs Fly