Do a hand stand on the bowl of the toilet and use your foot to move the handle. But I don't know why you'd like to give yourself a swirly
he*l yeah yo momma give the best swirlies around town ni**a she can give me a swirly anytime
Give someone a swirly or wedgie
make a bet with her, any kind, and the winner gets to give the other a swirly. You could also make it a certain place for the swirly if its not at home or an apartment. Then purposely lose, boom, she' gonna enjoy giving you a swirly, and you (probably) will secretly enjoy it.
a swirly wedgieis a weige at the same time as a swirly!!!
You need to lean over the toilet.Put your head in and flush it.
my hair is swirly (:whirlpool
Swirly probably IS a word. Swirly: Swirl-like, spiral-like, spiralish
Swirly Termination was created in 2000.
1.take what she is singing2.give her a swirly if non of that works3. kill her
A swirly print...also known as paisley.
yes a swirly can kill you because the flowing water can drown you
it's like a regular swirly except when it's that time of the month