Unless they are no-wax tiles, you first clean them thoroughly with ammonia (diluted), then place a coat of floor polish or floor wax on them. After the first coat dries, apply a second coat. With each coat applied, the floor will be shinier.
Shine like a bright shining star, or to sparkle.
The ratio is 6 : 4 : 3.
BANG. *sparkle sparkle sparkle*
i cant give you an answer with out know how big the tiles are sorry :(
Each sparkle is different. Chance Items have a rainbow sparkle Evolving Items have a blue sparkle Monthly Collectibles have a magenta sparkle Animated Items have a yellow sparkle Aquarium Items have an aqua sparkle Cash Shop items that are stocked directly, have a golden sparkle
it makes people feel good about them selves and give a sparkle to any outfit
Quarry tiles are larger and look more old fashioned than marble tiles. They are on average 14x14 inch squares where as the Marble tiles are 12x12 inches. Marble tiles are also thin cut and fragile where Quarry tiles are much thicker and not as delicate.
Pink Sparkle was created in 2010.
I Am David Sparkle was created in 2001.
Sparkle Friends was created in 2006.
Lisa Sparkle is 175 cm.