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Well, honey, you can try buttering them up with compliments, promising to do extra chores, or even resorting to good old-fashioned bribery. But at the end of the day, it's up to them whether they want to play Santa Claus ahead of schedule or stick to tradition. Just remember, patience is a virtue...or so they say.

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10y ago

Hi there,im having the same problem. You see, I am going to the theatre on Thursday and then have a nonuniform day at school on Friday. I've got uggs for Christmas =, and am desperate to wear them. I've decided to try the " one time wont change the tea in china" and " if i know what im getting it wont make a difference" trick, but i doubt it would work. I will try though!
make a bet or get a good reportcard

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Q: How do you get your parents to give your Christmas present early?
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Do the parents give the presents on Christmas?

Anybody can!

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Give them a reason to be proud of you.

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You don't. If your parents are really short on cash, you shouldn't expect---or even ask for---any present at all. They will give you the best they can without being asked. You owe some responsibility to your family.

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a scarf

Can you give Christmas presents to a Muslim?

Yes, you can technically give a Muslim a Christmas present. However I would highly suggest that you do not directly call it a christmas present as this may offer some. Instead call it a holiday present (holiday from school/work etc) or a December present. This way, you lower the risk of offending someone you care about.

On Christmas do you give your son a present or will Santa?

That's usually something that Santa and the parents work out together when he comes. Often, you give something to your son and Santa brings him something too. But when finances are tight, it might only be Santa.