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Hire an attorney to file a petition for restoration.

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Q: How do you get your gun rights back after ten years?
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I've been looking for that gun for ten years - give it back.

What is the process for a nonviolent ex-felon to restore gun rights for the state of Texas?

you have to wait about ten years or so before you can be allowed to get a concealed weapons permit.

Can you buy guns in missouri if you have a domestic assault from over ten years ago in Tennessee?

If you have a domestic violence conviction, you can't legally purchase a gun anywhere in the U.S. unless you have had your rights restored.

What is the penalty for carying a fire arm by a convicted felon in Texas?

Ten years in a federal penitentiary for the gun, and ten years each for each of the rounds.

Can you get your gun rights back in Louisiana?

I went to the da they said I had to either wait ten years,petition the governor and courts or presidential pardon best thing to do is go through a criminal defense lawyer and let the go through the red tape I hope this works all I wanna do is duck hunt

How long can you go to jail for buglary with a gun in North Carolina?

Up to ten years.

Is it legel to perchis a bb gun at ten years of age?

It depends on your local laws.

How long are the CA gun restrictions for misdemeanor domestic violence?

Ten (10) Years.

How long can you get for having a gun as a felon?

Up to ten years, as per federal law.

Did gun violence increase in past ten years?

Yes, with the bigger technology people have been able to build better guns. Also, with all of the crazy people in the world gun violence has increased greatly over the past ten years.

If They never divorced and he dies 10 years later what are her rights?

Clarification needed. He dies ten years after what event?

How much time do you get for a gun charge first time offender?

I havent been in trouble for ten years and didnt realize that I couldn't own or possess a gun. My son Had a gun and my husband is a convicted felone and I didnt want the gun in my house so I pawned the gun to get it out of my house. I went to get the gun out today to give it back to my son and found out that I could not own a gun because I was a felone. What is going to happen know and what next steps should I take. Do I let the gun go so I don't get in anymore trouble or do I try to get my gun rights and fight this. Or am I screwed and hope they don't come and arrested me for this crap I live in Washington state