Assuming that it is your house, give her two weeks' notice that she is no longer welcome at your home. Be courteous, but firm.
Apparently, Wentworth Miller is dating Amie Bice. So, there is no "former" girlfriend, he is still with her.
He doesn't have a girlfriend. He has a fiance. She is former actress Regina Russell.
Yes, his girlfriend Jessica is daughter of former Liverpool player Steven Harkness.
Monson Engine House - Former - was created in 1889.
His Wife, Jamia Nestor.
He is not married but does have a son by a former girlfriend.
Caitlin Beadles (b. 1994) is Canadian singer Justin Bieber's former girlfriend, and she will turn 17 on August 4, 2011.
Rahm Emanuel was the former White House Chief of Staff.
He has a fiancee named Brianna who was a former gymnast.
You don't. That's what you get for stalking.